All is Welcome Here
Living in Love beyond Beliefs
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You have made me so rich, O God; let me share out your beauty with open hands. My life has become an uninterrupted dialogue with you, O God, one great dialogue.
Sometimes when I stand in some corner of the camp, my feet planted on your earth, my eyes raised toward your heaven, tears run down my face, tears of deep emotion and gratitude. At night, too, when I lie on my bed and rest in you, O God, tears of gratitude run down my face, and that is my prayer....
My life is one great dialogue with you.
*Etty Hillesum. An Interrupted Life: The Diaries 1941-1943; and Letters from Westbork. Etty, a Jewish prisoner, of Dutch descent, died in Auschwitz, age 29, 1943.
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Prayer can be anything that is a true expression of a person ~ true in the sense of arising from soul, not self. Recently, just nights ago, I cried repeatedly, even wept once. These joyful tears poured forth, while I listened to a song. The song was not religious, was not a song of faith, and was not what most would call spiritual. Yet, the song was a mirror of my life, the healing undergone, the love of others that was healing for me. I kept listening to the song, I kept crying. To me, that was what has been termed Pure Prayer, Prayer without subject or object: Prayer happening. Prayer can happen, without any intent to pray, without any recepient intended to receive the Prayer. Pure Prayer is prior to subect-object. Prayer, then, is, or is is-ing of Itself. This is why Pure Prayer is always an expression of Pure Love, and Pure Love expressed is always Pure Prayer.
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In this arising of Pure Prayer, what do you have to do to pray? Nothing. You are not praying, Prayer is arising in and through you. In Pure Prayer you are simply the means of Grace, a Sacrament of Love expressing Love. Yes, tears can be prayer, as well as laughter, as well as so much more that may never be seen by most as prayer.
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Grace and Peace to All
The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You
*Lotus of the Heart is an interspiritual work of Brian Kenneth Wilcox, Florida USA. Brian is a practicing spiritual contemplative, interspiritual Chaplain, and writer of nonfiction and poetry.
*Move cursor over photos for photographer and photo name.
*This writing revised from first publication Feb. 29, 2016.